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How To Use Meta Ads Library: A Comprehensive Guidance In 2023

Facebook is used by more advertisers than ever to market their goods and services to consumers. Over 10 million businesses advertise on Facebook and Instagram, and that number has almost tripled in the past seven years.

Veterans of Facebook marketing recall a day when expenses were low, and ROI was limitless. Even while most businesses still find Facebook advertising to be a great investment, the network is becoming more competitive as costs rise due to the steady entry of new advertisers. Meta said that CPMs for Facebook Ads grew by 18% last year, in 2022.

A Facebook ad's creation can be challenging. But thanks to the Meta Ads Library, any marketer may get ideas from previously effective campaigns run by some of the finest in the industry. We'll show you how to use the Ad Library to make your own Facebook advertising more effective in this article.

What Is The Facebook Ad Library?

The Meta Ad Library is the correct term for the Facebook Ad Library. Users can search and view current and older advertising from any advertiser using this free tool. Initially released in 2018 for political and social issue-related commercials, it has recently been made available to all marketers across Meta's platforms.

For people who are interested in politics, the tool is quite helpful because it enables them to see who is supporting what, how much they have spent, and their reach across various demographics. However, the Ad Library is a service for marketers that enables you to view all of the commercials your rivals are running in a single location. Due to the competitive nature of the digital marketing industry, this is crucial.

How Do Marketers Can Use The Facebook Ad Library?


The Ad Library is easy to use while you narrow down your searches. Even if a person has never used Facebook or run a Business account, Facebook has tried to make it as easy as possible for anyone to obtain ad information.

Start Facebook Ad Library First

Click this link or enter into your browser's address bar to view the Facebook Ad Library. When the website has fully loaded, it will appear to be a standard search engine. Before continuing, double-check that the top-right corner of your screen has the appropriate nation chosen.

Select The Category

You need to select a category before you can look up an advertisement. Facebook has divided issue, election, and political ads from all other ads into just two categories. So, as indicated in the image below, click "Search all" if you're looking for a commercial.

Find Out A Brand

Enter the name of the brand or business that is advertising to discover it. For instance, I put "Lululemon" into the search field to locate a Lululemon advertisement. It will bring up every page with pertinent text. When you click on the page you want, a list of all the brand's advertisements appears.

Click On Your Niche Ad

After selecting a page and seeing all of its advertisements, you can click "See Ad Details" next to certain advertisements to view more details. It contains the ad's start date, the platforms it's running on (such as Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and/or Audience Network), and whether it has other versions running simultaneously.

Filter Adding

You may also add a filter from the Facebook Ad Library if you want to focus on the main aspect of the resultant ads. You can review their particular adverts by using filters to:

  • Language

  • Platform (Messenger, Audience Network, Instagram, or Facebook)

  • Media (pictures, memes, memes and pictures, videos, and pictures without videos)

  • Active or inactive status

  • Date of activity (any period within the previous seven years)

In The End

Competition will inevitably increase as Facebook continues to draw more advertisers. But in that dynamic Facebook advertising ecology, the Meta Ads Library can be a tremendous leveler. Every day, you can post new advertisements, and any savvy advertiser, no matter how big or little, can utilize the Facebook Ad Library to keep an eye on the competition and locate the ads that are doing the best across all of Facebook.

I hope this article will help you gain a better understanding of how to use the Facebook ad library for business and personal use.


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